ProGen Study Groups Are . . .

Key Elements of the ProGen Study Program...
- Quality textbooks (Professional Genealogy & Genealogy Standards) written by experts in the field.
- Monthly assignments crafted to maximize learning.
- Written peer feedback.
- Live monthly video chats discussing specific topics and assignments.
- Guidance from a Certified Genealogist® or an Accredited Genealogist®.
- 12-month study program for research and writing topics with an optional 3-months afterward which focuses on the business and marketing aspects.
Is ProGen Right for Me?
- You want to become a professional genealogist researching for others.
- You already research professionally and want to learn more about managing your business or presenting your written work.
- Improving your research skills is important to you.
- You are considering becoming certified or accredited. See more details HERE.
- You want to take your research skills to the next level.

Am I Ready for ProGen?
- You have practiced genealogy research for several years.
- You have successfully participated and completed courses such as the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research, the NGS American Genealogical Studies Course, or intermediate level courses at institutes such as GRIP, IGHR or SLIG.
- You demonstrate strong research skills in your daily work.
What ProGen Alumni Are Saying…
Kristin Wenger
Lititz, PA - ProGen 40
The more effort you put into it, the more you will get out of it. This universal principle is oh so true. If you go the extra mile and give each assignment your very best, you will reap dividends. Your writing will improve. Your research skills will improve. Your confidence as a small business owner and operator will improve.
Rebecca Hockaday, CG®
Boise, ID - ProGen 31
I wouldn’t be a CG® and where I am today professionally without the ProGen program. I am grateful!
Charles Wilson
Chula Vista, CA - ProGen 43
I took a hobby I had for years in genealogy and took it to the next level! After completing the Boston University Genealogical Certificate Program, I continued on to yet another intensive one-year program with the ProGen Study Groups.
Melissa LeMaster Barker
Dickson, TN - ProGen 1
Well, you can add Certified Archives Manager to the list, that’s me! I was in the very first ProGen! I have always thought this was one of the best decisions I ever made and it actually was part of my journey to become an Archivist!
Cinda Baxter
Minneapolis, MN - ProGen 38
I am SO proud to have been a ProGen participant.
Sandy Thalmann
Rochester, MN - ProGen 6
One of the best things I ever did for my genealogy business was to participate in ProGen 6. I had already been taking clients for twelve years, but when I started my business, there was no training available for the professional genealogist. I learned so much from each assignment and so much more from the feedback given by fellow classmates.
Megan Lee
Los Angeles, CA - ProGen 36

Leslie Watson Tomlinson
Helotes, TX - ProGen 11
Getting and giving peer review on homework assignments was so valuable. Our mentor, Claire Bettag, was instrumental in keeping me focused on my path to certification even though it took a few years longer than I intended.
Sara Butson
Perkasie, Bucks Co., PA - ProGen 43
ProGen introduced me to many new writing aspects; provoked good conversation within our monthly meetings; and compared my learnt skills against the BCG rubrics. It was well worth my time, and I would strongly suggest ProGen to any genealogist wanting to advance their skills in a peer-to-peer virtual environment. If you put the effort into ProGen, you will certainly get a lot out of it!
Lucia Cusimano
Atkinson, NH - ProGen 47
ProGen exceeded my expectations! I knew I was ready to take the next step in my education plan. I’m thankful my class took time to read my assignments and comment.
Aaron Tassin
Cameron Park, CA - ProGen 46
ProGen was an amazing experience! There is no better way to learn and fully understand the principles of professional genealogy. The caliber of mentorship, solid and supportive peer feedback, and breadth of practical exercises are unsurpassed. I highly recommend ProGen to any genealogist genuinely seeking to become a professional in this discipline.
Suzanne Hoffman
Chicago, IL - ProGen 46
The 14 months of ProGen has helped me realize that 25 years of casual research cannot equal the process that delivers a well-researched, well-documented, standards-based final report. I am now light-years ahead of where I was and am humbled by the experience of getting there. It was truly a rewarding experience
Mark Driscoll
Cincinnati, OH - ProGen 46
With feedback from my study group peers, outstanding mentors, and a rigorous program I was able to significantly improve my skills and prepare for the next phase of my learning and development. I highly recommend ProGen study groups for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level.
Linnea Maloney
Orlando, FL - ProGen 48
Before the study group I felt unsure of my writing skills. After 14 months of practice and review from my peers and mentor I am more confident in my methods and approach to Professional Genealogy. I am going to use what I learned and start preparing my portfolio for the CG. Exciting times because of the talents shared by others.
Reem Awad-Rashmawi
Davis, CA - ProGen 49
The ProGen program helped me develop my genealogy research and writing to a professional level. My prior education began the transition from a hobbyist to a serious genealogist. With ProGen, I was able to take the final steps to be a professional. I discovered my weaknesses and how to strengthen them. ProGen built a genealogy support net that will carry on after the program concludes. Our ProGen mentor and coordinator were truly outstanding!
Barbara Northrup
Eagle Point, OR - ProGen 43
Certification has been my goal since 2016 when I finished my classes at SLCC. ProGen 43 was my educational “bridge” between SLCC and certification.
Sylvia Tracy-Doolos
Firestone, CO - ProGen 48
Time invested in ProGen was the most valuable way I could have used my limited time. Genealogy friendships made through our group will endure because they are grounded in a common growth experience that made us all better genealogists, researchers, and writers. Make time to fully immerse yourself in the assignments – you will not regret it!
Christine Manczuk
San Diego, CA - ProGen 52
ProGen was a challenging, humbling, and incredibly awarding experience. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their genealogical skills and experience.
Maria Wittwer
Herriman, UT - ProGen 50
ProGen was instrumental in my development as a genealogist. Receiving and giving feedback from my study group helped me to refine my methods and writing. I really appreciated the help I got from my group and from Elissa Scalise Powell as our mentor.
Alison Watson Maston
Bolton, CT - ProGen 53
Collaborating with other genealogists and working to improve professionally was a wonderful experience. ProGen taught me so much and allowed for the exchange of ideas with others who were working toward the same goal. Getting and giving peer review starts out as a daunting idea, but as time goes on, you improve, and the feedback is invaluable. Huge thank you to Cinda, Katie, and my peers in ProGen53 for all their hard work.
Kelley Lear
Atlanta, GA - ProGen 52
The ProGen journey didn’t just grow my skills, but also my confidence. My peers, mentor and coordinator were supportive while also pushing me to dig deeper. Looking back at my first assignment and my last, you can see the massive leap in my abilities and understanding. As a bonus, I met people who I know I will be connected with throughout my adventure into genealogy.
Eva Holmes
Portland, ME - ProGen 53
The best part of ProGen is the people! I met so many fantastic genealogists through this program.
Linda Debe
Harrisburg, NC - ProGen 54
ProGen helped me immensely in my business, as well as my personal genealogy. I built a good foundation in citations. I feel confident in writing reports on my findings. The peer-review aspect is hands down the best way to become a better genealogist. Spending 14 months with the same group of people, builds a bond of trust and comradery than any other program I have attended. This educational opportunity should not be missed.
Steve Snell
Cape Canaveral, FL - ProGen 58
ProGen was a meaningful adventure. Having Francine and Heather as our mentor and coordinator was such a blessing. They really helped stick everything and everyone together. A great experience al the way around, and a host of new genealogical contacts.
Melanie Nelson
Wesley Chapel, FL - ProGen 58
I found the ProGen experience topnotch – would do it again in a heartbeat. The course design is solid, engaging, and challenging. I feel like I’ve a better understanding about what it will take for me to get certified, and at this point, feel more confident that I can achieve it. My group seemed to have the “right” personality and experience mix that optimized learning. I think we grew together and honestly enjoy each other’s company. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of it.
Claire Gene Esker
ProGen 56
Thank you for the work everyone put into ProGen 56 and for what a wonderful program it is. I got so much out of the program and have so many new and exciting ideas for next year – most of which were inspired by my cohort. ProGen is an amazing opportunity and my writing, research, and general genealogical skills are so much stronger. I feel infinitely more confident going out into this field.
Patti Salvaggio
Pensacola, FL - ProGen 61
Going through ProGen has provided a confidence boost and sharpened my skills as a researcher. The multi-month format allowed the time to learn the subject matter and execute the projects.
Geraldine Knatz
Long Beach, CA - ProGen 61
ProGen helped me sharpen my genealogical skills, especially in writing. I learned better ways of correlating data and how to present it. The sharing of tips (tools, blogs, sources, etc.) that happens in the monthly meeting was invaluable. The bonus was making some lifelong friends.
Gray Stabley
South Portland, ME - ProGen 61
My aspirations of becoming a professional genealogist have come true thanks to the ProGen Study Group. During the 15-month program, I learned to write a research report, proof argument, and family narrative…all firsts for me. The business lessons were invaluable as I recently opened my genealogy business and have started taking clients. But I think the best aspect of ProGen is the feedback and friendship from peers and mentors. I will miss seeing them on a monthly basis and can’t wait to see what they do with their ProGen education in the future. It’s definitely worth the time and effort!
Lindsay Downs
Pittsburgh, PA - ProGen 66
ProGen was a transformative experience for me, both personally and professionally. I have developed solid skills and have gained so much confidence during this program. The relationships I have developed with my mentor, coordinator, and cohort will be something I will always cherish!
Calvin R. Phillips
Harrisburg, PA - ProGen 66
Participating in ProGen has been the best genealogical education I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. Hours of researching, writing, editing, proof reading, and providing peer feedback to my peers has definitely instilled a type of confidence in my work that I didn’t know was there. You definitely get what you put into it – and if you’re serious about genealogy and want to improve on skills you already have, this study group is a must. I now feel 110% prepared to tackle opening up my own research business and obtaining my certification.
Sherri Dowdle
Schofield, WI - ProGen 66
ProGen was a valuable experience which elevated my skills and boosted my confidence. Each assignment, peer feedback and monthly meeting was well worth the time and effort. I gave it my best and received so much growth in return. Many thanks to Alice Childs and Shannon Musfelt for sharing their time and expertise with us!
Lynne Deese
Garner, NC - ProGen 65
In all the courses I’ve taken since my retirement, I have come to appreciate those that offer peer-reviewed feedback. I was attracted to ProGen because of the way it was designed to provide not only a comprehensive set of experiences but a cohort of peers that helped to shape my learning. Both my confidence and my skill set are enriched, and from my fellow learners, I am left with the impression that the genealogical community supports my efforts. It isn’t clear to me how I will apply the gains that I have made through ProGen but I am already inspired to pursue additional learning experiences and seek certification.
Elizabeth VanDyke
Alma, MI - ProGen 65
ProGen was a wonderful learning experience. The readings and assignments were varied and challenging. The best part of the course, however, was the opportunity to collaborate with fellow genealogists. This collaboration allowed me to get reviews and constructive feedback from my peers. Additionally, I learned to look critically at others’ work and to provide thoughtful but useful suggestions.
I am the director of a small county genealogy library. I appreciated the number of assignments—for example the business plan and the locality guide—that provided resources for the library and, by extension, for the budding genealogists who use our repository.
Jennifer Wiebe
Montreal, Quebex - ProGen 65
I took ProGen because I wanted to improve my writing skills and it did not disappoint! Giving and receiving feedback taught me how to apply the BCG standards as I reviewed my writing. I learned so much!
Carolyn Cheverine
Richfield, OH - ProGen 67
While I have been researching my own family for over 25 years, I decided that I wanted to help others learn more about their ancestors. However, I needed advice on how to write a research report and proof argument and market myself. ProGen has provided me with the tools to become a professional genealogist. The peer support has been outstanding! We have become friends and turn to each other for advice. I am so glad that I learned about ProGen!
Elisheva Malowicki
Vienna, Austria - ProGen 65
Participating in the ProGen Study Group was the best step I could have taken on my journey to professionalism. The sense of community and shared purpose within the group, the quality of mentorship and peer feedback, and the well-structured and diverse monthly assignments have significantly improved my research skills and writing abilities. ProGen has given me confidence. It has kept me on track to reach my genealogical goals, helped me adhere to best practices in the field, and introduced me to a wonderful network of dedicated, hardworking, and warmhearted colleagues. I wish there were a second year!
Anika R. Khan
Westchester County, NY - ProGen 68
The ProGen study group has been a transformative experience for my genealogical research. The peer review structure, the opportunity to provide feedback, monthly check-ins with experienced mentors, and workshops led by Jan Joyce have taken my work to the next level. I now feel confident about pivoting from being a hobbyist, providing pro bono work, to pursuing more professional opportunities, if necessary.
Chris Van Dyk
Denver, CO - ProGen 67
Giving and receiving peer feedback through ProGen has been an outstanding experience. It’s helped me focus on and interpret standards and challenged me to examine both my work and others more objectively. I enjoy the monthly discussions and hearing the perspectives of my cohorts. Our mentor, Maria Wittwer, and coordinator, Ariana Franco, are available, knowledgeable, and supportive. The optional workshops hosted by Jan Joyce are informative and educational. ProGen has given me the confidence I need to pursue my genealogical goals. I highly recommend this program!
Todd Holden
ProGen 67
ProGen is challenging, stimulating, illuminating and beneficial in so many ways. At a minimum, it requires participants not simply to “think like a genealogist,” but to become genealogists. The sustained focus on problem-solving, skills, application, communication, multiple roles in the profession, and various genres of genealogy—presided over by skilled coordinators and knowledgeable mentors and enhanced by pertinent readings and periodic workshops—leads, at some point, to more fully internalizing the mindset, language, tools and practices of the genealogist.
Above all, though, the community that ProGen helps build—of fellow travelers who share a language, an appreciation for setting and achieving goals, and employing a set of (once mystical) tools to achieve results—is the most laudable feature. Peers—now friends—who empathize and encourage and cheer throughout the process of better becoming; who, by the end, belong to one’s wider personal and professional