
Program Description ...

ProGen is a self-study program enhanced by peer-review of assignments based on chapters from Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards. This program employs an innovative method of collaborative learning focused on developing genealogical skills and business practices. Read more about the program in these areas:


The ProGen program is based on the book Professional Genealogy. Each month group members read and study one or two chapters.  Genealogy Standards is also frequently used. HOW TO PURCHASE

Live Video Chats

Study groups of about eight ProGen participants meet during the first week of every month for a live one-hour virtual meeting. During this on-line video meeting, the previous month's assignment is reviewed, assigned questions are discussed, and the group mentor provides industry insights.


Monthly assignments are based on the reading. The assignments vary and include genealogical research and writing topics in the main program. Business and marketing topics are covered in the optional portion of the program.

Monthly Time Commitment

The required part of the program is 12 months long. Each month’s time commitment varies, but plan on spending an average of twenty-five hours per month on the assignments and peer feedback combined.


Study group members receive written feedback from peers for each assignment, and give feedback to peers for each assignment. Additionally, the group mentor may provide feedback on key assignments.

Completion Requirements

To complete, graduate and earn a Certificate of Completion from the ProGen Study Groups, each student must complete all assignments, peer feedback and live monthly discussion.


Hear From Alumni 

Matt Weismantel
ProGen 47
Chesterfield, NJ


Wendy Rawson Sheppard
ProGen 38
Beverly, MA


Sara Butson
ProGen 43
Philadelphia, PA

ProGen Textbooks

Study Schedule

One of the beneficial aspects of the ProGen Study Program is the joint focus on genealogical skill development and professional business issues. The first part of the program, which is 12 months long and is required, focuses on transcribing, crafting citations, analyzing evidence, writing research reports, researching and writing proof arguments, creating a locality guide, analyzing DNA results, and researching and writing a family narrative. The second part of the program, which is 3 months long and is optional, covers reviewing and writing a contract and fee analysis, and writing a marketing and business plan

Members learn both by completing their own assignments and by reviewing the work of their group members. Participants must complete all the assignments, including the business oriented assignments, even if they are not practicing professional genealogy as a business.

Below is an example Study Schedule; Click on the link for "Evidence Analysis" to review what one month's detailed assignment might look like.

12-Month Example Study Schedule

Unless otherwise indicated, study chapters come from Professional Genealogy PPS (2018 edition), edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills or other books as indicated.  The assignments are posted on the 1st day of each month and are due on the 25th of the month. Peer review feedback is due by the next chat day.

Completion of all assignments and feedback are required for graduation.

ProGen Curriculum Overview

ProGen Alumni

Cecellia Rogers

    Please review the “Program Description,” “Assignment Examples,” and “FAQs” website pages and the following information if you are interested in applying.


    1. At least one successfully completed concentrated genealogical educational program or course from:
      • Boston University (BU) Certificate Course (not Principles course)
      • NGS Home Study Course in American Genealogy (no longer sold)
      • NGS American Genealogical Studies series (all 4 courses for certificate)
      • NGS Advanced Skills in Genealogy
      • NGS Family History Skills Course
      • The National Institute for Genealogical Studies certificate courses
      Or at least two methodology or writing courses from institutes such as:
      • SLIG - Advanced Genealogical Methods
      • SLIG - Applied Genealogical Methods Workshop: Hands-On Skillbuilding
      • SLIG - Evidence-Based Writing for Genealogists
      • IGHR - Intermediate Genealogy and Historical Studies
      • IGHR - Advanced Methodology and Evidence Analysis
      • IGHR - Writing and Publishing for Genealogists
      • GRIP - Principles of Genealogical Writing
    2. Experience researching in offline repositories.
    3. Experience in genealogical writing with citations which could include client reports, family narratives, articles, and more.
    4. Understanding and use of terminology such as primary and secondary information, original and derivative sources, and direct / indirect evidence.
    5. A thorough review of the Program Description and FAQ pages on this website to ensure you are aware of the scope and requirements of the program.

    Application Process

    • New groups will be formed usually two times a year in the spring and fall.
    • Applicants must complete the enrollment form below so ProGen can determine the applicant’s level of preparedness.
    • Not all applicants will be admitted to the program. Those that are not admitted will be asked to seek further education and experience to then reapply.
    • Applicants whose education and experience demonstrates readiness will be admitted.
    • When the new groups are ready to be formed, admitted applicants will be notified in advance of the registration dates and process.
    • Open registration will be on a first come, first served basis.
    • The cost of the program will be announced with the registration. Payment is due immediately upon registration.

    Please complete and submit the application form below if you are ready to enroll in ProGen Study Groups.

    ProGen Study Groups Application Form

    Contact Information *First Name
    *Last Name

    *Zip/Postal Code
    *Phone Number
    *Preferred Email Address

    Past Participation *Have you previously participated in a ProGen Group? yesno [group previousProGencheck inline]Which ProGen group number and the mentor’s name?

    Why did you not complete the ProGen program you previously enrolled in?
    [/group] *Have you participated in a GenProof Group? yesno [group previousGenProofcheck inline]Which GenProof group number and the mentor’s name?
    Genealogical Experience Please answer the following questions about your genealogical experience: *Have you conducted offline research in at least four separate repositories such as courthouses, state archives, genealogical libraries, or federal archives?
    yesno [group repositorieschcheck inline]Please list and briefly describe your work in these repositories:[/group] *Have you written reports or detailed narratives of your research findings for yourself or others with documented source citations?
    yesno *Do you understand terminology such as primary and secondary information, original and derivative sources, and direct and indirect evidence?
    Genealogical Education Please indicate courses you have successfully completed, and supply the date of completion. *National Genealogical Society (NGS) - Advanced Skills in Genealogy Course (2023 - present)yesno [group courseNGSAdvancedSkillscheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *National Genealogical Society (NGS) - Foundations in Family History History (2022 - present)yesno [group courseNGSFoundationscheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *National Genealogical Society (NGS) - Continuing Genealogical Studies (various courses on specialized topics) (2015 - present)yesno [group courseNGSContinuingcheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *National Genealogical Society (NGS) - American Genealogical Studies (4 courses) (2014 - 2022)yesno [group courseNGSAmericanStudiescheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *Boston University (BU) - Genealogical Principles Course (7 weeks)yesno [group courseBUPrinciplescheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *Boston University (BU) - Certificate in Genealogical Research (15 weeks)yesno [group courseBUCertificatecheck inline]Completion Date? [/group] *National Institute of Genealogical Studies (NIGS) - Certificate Courseyesno [group courseNIGScheck inline]Please list the names and dates of certificates earned:[/group] *Other formal course(s)yesno [group courseOthercheck inline]Please list and describe the name, nature, and date of the course(s):[/group] *Have you attended a genealogical institute (such as Gen-Fed, IGHR, SLIG, or GRIP)? yesno [group institutecheck inline]Please describe which institute course(s) you took by the institute, title, year, and instructor. [/group] Please describe any other significant genealogical or historical educational background.
    Genealogical Activity *Do you read and study articles from scholarly journals such as the NGS Quarterly, The American Genealogist, The Genealogist, the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record or The New England Historical and Genealogical Register?
    yesno [group journalscheck inline]Which journals do you read? [/group] *Are you currently taking genealogy clients?
    yesno [group clientscheck inline]Please describe further including information such as how long you have taken clients, about how many clients you have helped, the nature of the work (i.e., geography, time frame, and more) [/group]
    Program Commitments *Will you commit to a minimum of 25 hours per month for ProGen assignments and peer review?
    yesno *Barring any emergency situations, will you commit to complete ALL assignments and peer review and to do so ON TIME to the best of your ability to qualify for graduation?
    yesno *Will you commit to working with your peers in a polite and professional manner regardless of personality differences?
    yesno *Do you understand that missing assignments, acting in an unprofessional manner, not completing peer review, and/or not attending or engaging in monthly calls may result in dismissal from the program?
    yesno *Each student will take turns being a discussion leader in the monthly zoom meetings. You will follow the scripted assignment discussion questions that prompts conversation. You should be comfortable speaking in front of the group (which is required of everyone) and managing time during the monthly discussions. Are you willing to play this role a few times during the program?
    yesno *Do you understand that you must use a current version of Microsoft Word that supports the .docx format and allows change tracking? *Do you understand that you must have reliable access to the Internet in order to download assignments, upload your completed work, review your peers' assignments and join the live monthly video call? *Do you understand that you must learn to use the Basecamp technology on which assignments and communication are hosted? *Do you understand that you must comfortably use the Zoom video platform?
    ProGen Study groups start up two times a year, so you may wait several months before open registration occurs. Your application form submission here grants ProGen the right to include you on its email list to inform you of upcoming open registration periods as well as email communication thereafter unless you request to be removed from the email list.


    Who participates in the ProGen study groups?

    The ProGen Study Groups are made up of professional genealogists, individuals with excellent research skills working to become professional genealogists, and other serious researchers who want to do professional level research. While not all participants are currently taking clients or want to, each student is required to complete all the assignments, including the ones focusing on business practices as well as those targeting genealogical research skills and writing. Each member has unique experiences and skills that they bring to the group.


    What education is necessary prior to joining a ProGen Study Group?
    Because the ProGen Study Groups are based on peer-driven feedback, students in the groups are expected to have knowledge of genealogical research and terminology that is often only gained from formal education. Typically these types of educational experiences provide the most successful experiences for ProGen students prior to joining a group:
    • The Boston University (BU) Genealogical Principles Course and Certificate in Genealogical Research Course - DETAILS
    • NGS American Genealogy course (all 16 lessons) - DETAILS
    • NGS Continuing Genealogical Studies (all 4 courses online) - DETAILS
    • NGS Family History Skills Course
    • The National Institute for Genealogical Studies (NIGS) certificate courses - DETAILS

    At least two methodology or writing courses from institutes such as:

    • SLIG - Advanced Genealogical Methods
    • SLIG - Applied Genealogical Methods Workshop: Hands-On Skillbuilding
    • SLIG - Evidence-Based Writing for Genealogists
    • IGHR - Intermediate Genealogy and Historical Studies
    • IGHR - Advanced Methodology and Evidence Analysis
    • IGHR - Writing and Publishing for Genealogists
    • GRIP - Principles of Genealogical Writing




    What preparation should I do in advance of the course once I am approved?
    Identifying the research subjects for the three larger course assignments will be helpful:
    • Research Report. This is a client-focused report. You may use a report you have already written for a client, and update it using what you learned from the book and discussion. If you have not done a report for a client previously, you can offer a pro bono project to someone, or just pretend you are writing a report for a client and follow the guidelines in the assignment and book chapter.
    • Proof Argument. A proof argument uses indirect, negative and/or conflicting evidence to typically prove a relationship, although it can be something else. Identifying this early on will help save time when the assignment arises. You likely have many of these occurrences within the research you have completed to-date, and looking through that research now will help identify the one you can use when the assignment occurs.
    • Family Narrative. A family narrative provides kinship proof between generations and also adds in rich contextual detail about a family. Any research you’ve done, or can do in advance of the program, along those lines will save research time, so that your time can be spent writing.
    You may use the same research subject between any two or three of these assignments. That could save time.


    What does the ProGen Study Program cost?

    The ProGen study program is a cooperative learning program run entirely by volunteers. Both the mentors and the group coordinators volunteer their time to help others learn professional genealogy skills. There is a fee for the study program that is announced with registration and it covers the expenses of managing the program, including the Basecamp project management website, the ProGen Study Groups website, and the Zoom meeting seats for live video conferencing.


    How often do study groups start?

    Groups are formed two times a year. More than one group can launch at a time. Each of the ProGen study groups has about twenty to thirty people. After you apply to the program you will either be approved to enroll or asked to obtain more education and experience. If you are approved, you then will be given a code or special URL to enroll during open private registration. That open registration will be on a first come, first served basis.





    What kind of feedback am I expected to give to my group members on their assignments?

    When you review the work of your group members each month you are expected to provide constructive feedback on how to improve the work and on specifics of what makes the work good. Just providing feedback that says “good job” doesn’t help anyone learn what was good, what was bad, and where to try to improve. You should provide at least three specific comments or suggestions, and for some projects there will be additional detailed feedback instructions.


    Will the ProGen Study Program help me prepare for a credential?

    Applicants applying for certification through the Board for Certification of Genealogists who have successfully completed ProGen pass at a 76% rate compared to those with no formal education who pass at a 16% rate. Those applying for certification through BCG generally have broad experience with both research and educational programs. The ProGen program contains assignments similar to the BCG requirements that may help applicants gain experience in the skills necessary to prepare a successful portfolio. Many participants use the ProGen Study Groups as a part of their preparation for applying to BCG. ProGen Study Groups have been shown to improve an applicant’s success rate for certification as shown in the statistics on this page:

    Study group members that plan to apply to BCG need to be careful NOT to use any families or projects they would like to include in their BCG portfolio for their ProGen Study Group assignments because the elements in a submitted BCG portfolio cannot have been reviewed by anyone including ProGen group members. While we practice the skills necessary in ProGen, your BCG portfolio must be entirely your own work.

    Like those applying for BCG certification, those applying for accreditation through ICAPGen would likely also benefit from the ProGen Study Groups. The study program contains assignments and elements that are similar to the ICAPGen level submissions and tests.



    How many people are in each study group?

    Each of the ProGen study groups has about twenty people. They are divided into two cohorts of about ten members each who meet in a monthly online video discussion and to review each others’ work on a monthly basis.

    How do I join a ProGen study group?

    Read the participation requirements on the Program pages and go through the readiness checklist. If you determine that you are prepared to participate in a professional genealogy study group, then complete the online application form.


    How long do I have to complete each assignment?

    Generally, the assignments are posted on the first day of each month and then due on the 25th of the month. It is important to meet this deadline to give your colleagues time to review your assignment before the next group discussion. Then it is typical to give feedback to your peers between the 25th of the month and the first week of the following month on the day when your discussion day group meets via live video chat.

    How long does it take to complete the assignments?

    Plan on an average of 25 hours a month. The assignments vary in complexity and the time required will depend on the experience level of each individual. Previous participants have reported taking between four and twenty hours to complete assignments. Some assignments, such as evidence analysis, research reports, business plans, and proof arguments are complex and take longer to complete. After you complete assignments, then it may take another two to eight hours to provide peer feedback.

    What do I need to do to earn a Certificate of Completion?

    In order to earn a Certificate of Completion in the ProGen Study Groups Program you need to complete ALL of the practical assignments. Participation in monthly discussions and reviewing the work of group members is also required.


    Where can I get the required books?

    These books are available from If you buy them through the links below, it helps support the low cost of the ProGen Study Groups Program:

    • Professional Genealogy (required)
    • Genealogy Standards (required)
    • Evidence Explained (required)
    • Professional Genealogy 1st Edition (strongly recommended)

    Is Internet access required?

    Yes! You will need reliable internet service often to access and download homework assignments, upload your completed assignment, give and receive peer feedback and join the monthly video call.

    Do I need any software?

    Yes, the program requires that you be able to complete your assignments in a recent version of Microsoft Word that allows the use of the .docx format and change tracking. There may be an assignment or two that requires PDF but if you cannot save your document as a PDF, then it is fine to submit it in Microsoft Word. 

    What happens at the ProGen events?

    Study group members get together at national and regional genealogical conferences and institutes to network with colleagues. Sometimes we meet for dinner, and other times we gather and visit. We have ProGen ribbons so that it is easy to identify other group members.

    If I want to just research for myself, and not take clients, is a ProGen study group still beneficial?

    Yes! Many chapters and assignments in the program focus on research and writing skills, both of which are critical to enhancing your own research.

    Do people repeat participating in a ProGen Study Group?

    No. The program is not set-up to have participants repeat it due to the demand of the course, the length of the program, and the nature of the assignments. 

    What is the role of a ProGen study group mentor?

    A mentor is a CG or AG who attends each monthly discussion, answers questions and guides the group. The mentor may provide feedback on assignments to the group as a whole, or to individuals when s/he has time.

    What is the role of a ProGen study group coordinator?

    A coordinator is a ProGen alumni who wants to give back. S/he guides group participants for engagement and completion of assignments and tracks all assignment to completion, peer feedback and discussion engagement.

    What is the role of a student discussion leader?

    Each student enrolled in a ProGen Study Group will take a turn as a Discussion Leader. The Discussion Leader moderates monthly discussions in a his/her own group of approximately eight study group members by asking the predetermined questions on the monthly calls and keeping the conversation moving.

    Where can I learn even more about the ProGen Study Groups?

    You may listen to a podcast by Diana Elder and Nicole Dyer of the Research Like a Pro Podcast on the Family Locket website. That specific podcast is found here:

    How can I stay apprised of what is going on with ProGen?

     If you are not yet a student or alumnus, following us on the program Facebook page is a good way to stay in touch. You can find us here:

    ProGen Alumni