Christine Ann Cochran

ProGen Member Overview

How I got started

When, I was nineteen years old, my Uncle Bob gave me a cherished gift…. three books written by my grandfather: One was a journal he kept in the quiet early morning hours of his elder years, reflecting back on his life. The second was a story about the adventures of Jeremiah Muldoon, one of the “little people”. Also known as leprechauns. And the third, a small notebook containing his genealogical research notes. I never met my grandfather when he was alive. But through these three books I embarked on a fantastic journey. The genealogical research skills I acquired along the way opened new worlds to me.

Well that was a long time ago, and my journey down the track of genealogical investigations has led me to one unfolding story after another. I have been doing genealogical research for over ten years now. I have mastered investigative approaches, assembled a toolbox of problem solving methods and studied the correct way to verify information, write citations and craft reports. The technical side comes easy to me as my previous training in the engineering sciences come naturally into play.

There is only one reason I still love to research genealogy to this day, and that is the stories, …your stories. I want to hear yours …

Owner of Our Provenance, Ltd. professional genealogy research company since 2016

Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) – 2016 to current
Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (CAPG)
Member – 2017 to current
President – 2020

National Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)
Mountain Rendezvous Chapter
Registrar – 2020 to current
membership – 2019 to current

Colorado Genealogical Society (CGS)
Vice-President – 2016 to 2019
Researcher – 2016 to 2019

National Genealogy Society (NGS) – 2016 to 2019
Mountain Genealogist Society (MGS) – 2016 to 2020
Foothills Genealogy Society (FGS) – 2016 to current

Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies (CCGS)
Delegate for MGS – 2016 to 2019
Alternate delegate for CGS – 2018 to 2019

Denver Public Library – 5th Floor Western History and Genealogy
Researcher – 2018 to current
Genealogist on the desk – 2019 to current
Archives – 2020

Colorado State Archives – Probate Indexing Project – 2018 to current
First Universalist Church of Denver – 2016 – Chair of the Archives Committee


Regis University: MS Degree – Computer Information Systems, Emphasis in database administration

Colorado School of Mines: BS Degree – Major: Geological Engineering, Minor: Environmental Science
National Genealogy Society: Certificate – American Genealogical Studies

National Genealogical Society Annual Conference (NGS) – 2016 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Larimer County Genealogical Society – Conference for a Cause – 2016 – Longmont, Colorado

Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) – Professional Management Conference (PMC) – 2017 – Alexandria, Virginia

ProGen32: 2018 – Certificate

Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) 2018 – Certificate – Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy

Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) 2019 – Certificate – Advanced DNA Evidence

National Daughters of the American Revolution
Genealogical Education Programs (GEP) 2020 – Certificates –
GEP 1 – Introduction to Genealogy Research for DAR Applications
GEP 2 – Applying Genealogy Research Techniques to DAR applications
GEP 3 – Advanced Techniques for Resolving Problems With Lineage or Service on DAR Records
Special GEP Course – DNA and the DAR

Publications & BLOGs

"Colorado Pioneers of Irish Descent", Irish Roots Magazine, Issue No 110, 2019 Second Quarter